Baking Brownie Is Easy (Recipe Included)

 I remember the first time I tried brownie cake was at a mansion of my mother’s friends Mr & Mrs. Yang in Strathfield Sydney when my mother, my daughter & I visited them.  It was a big & luxurious house which occupied two lots of land.   Sitting in their big lounge on one Sunday afternoon, their daughter was busying in the opening kitchen. I saw her pouring milk & sugar and not long after she handed a chocolate-like cake.    The sweetness and rich taste were impressive especially when it was served with tea.  I got the recipe and started to make it after that visit.  I have found that brownie is easy and tastes nice.  It’s a good choice if you want to have afternoon tea. 

Here is the ingredient:

 250g dark chocolate 

105g unsalted butter   

15ml  espresso coffee or 1 tablespoon instant coffee)

75g whole grain rye flour ( the plain flour is still good if you don’t have whole grain rye flour)

7g cocoa powder

¼ teaspoon of sea salt 

3 eggs at room temperature 

225g soft brown sugar 

½ teaspoon vanilla essence 

125g walnuts (can be mixed some almond & other nuts),  lightly toasted and roughly chopped   

How to make: 

1.  Preheat oven to 180°C. Grease a 20x20cm pan or a similar measurement pan with baking paper.  I usually use aluminum rolls to make one in a big tin. 

2.  Half fill a saucepan with water and bring to simmer, then place a metal mixing bowl over the pan, ensuring the bowl doesn’t touch the water.  Melt the chocolate, butter and coffee in the bowl, mixing with a spatula to combine thoroughly. Turn off heat and leave until ready to use. 

Note: If the Chocolate mix starts to set, gently heat it over the pan until it is melted again. 

3. In a separate bowl, use a mixer to whisk eggs,brown sugar and vanilla for about 10 minutes until it becomes pale, light and airy.  Using a spatula, gently fold in the chocolate mixture in three batches. Fold very gently so you incorporate the chocolate without losing aeration in the egg mix. 

4. Sifting flour & cocoa powder into the above eggs, chocolate & butter mixture and use a spatula to gently fold them through.  The mixture should be quite runny. 

5. Gently fold in the walnuts (or nuts), then pour the mixture into the pan. 

6. Bake about 25 minutes and turn the pan and bake another 5 minutes.

After you go through the above steps, the brownie cake is done.  You serve it after letting it cool for about half an hour. The top should be shiny and smooth, with perhaps one or two cracks. You should have nice gooey centers and a crispy top.      

If you want to see the demo, please click here

Enjoy your baking!


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