Intelligent Neck Massager

I bought myself a gift before Christmas — a neck massager. Since I work on the computer and mobile phone every day, my neck is suffering and becomes stiff and pain. I already have a massager, but it is relatively large and not very convenient to use. This massager I bought this time is USB charging. It can be charged for an hour and used continuously for 10 days. It weighs only 160 grams. The size of this massager is quite small and can be in a handbag and carried with you everywhere. Most importantly, it can effectively relieve neck fatigue after using it. It is not expensive at all and less than $60

This Intelligent Neck Massage looks like the picture on the right, it seems that it is very light and simple. Regardless of its compactness, there are three state options: automatic, relaxing and diverse, and there are 15 massage levels to choose from. Put it on the neck, it will not irritate the skin at all.

Of course, this massager is still not a substitute for manual massage. It can only be used to temporarily relieve fatigue every day. If the neck problem is serious, you still need to find a doctor or professional masseur to treat it.

If you are interested in and purchase it, please click here to find out.

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  1. I had this post saved some time before but my PC crashed. I have since gotten a new one and it took me a while to come across this! I also in fact like the theme though.

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