Sphinx Memorial to Bobbin Head Loop Track

Sphinx Memorial is a sandstone monument created in memory of lives lost in the First World War.  

Sphinx  Memorial

It was created by a returned soldier in the 1920s & restored in 1995. 
This soldier’s name is William T Shirley. He suffered from tuberculosis after he returned from WWI. At the time he built this monument, he was the patient of the Lady of Davidson Convalescent Hospital, Turramurra. 

Mr. Shirley was a stonemason before he left for the war.  As he was not strong enough to return to his trade, it was suggested that he should carve a rock in Kuring-Gai Chase on the model of the Great Sphinx of Giza in Egypt.  Between 1926 to 1928, an ailing William Shirley laboured at creating his personal memorial to his fallen A.I.F* comrades.  He had seen the Great Sphinx before he went to France and eagerly set about carving one of much smaller dimensions. On the account of his health, Mr.Shirley was not allowed to work more than a couple of hours a day, sometimes less, but he made excellent, progress in cutting down the great rock and within several months the form of The Sphinx took shape.       

The Sphinx stands approximately 1/8th the size of the original.  The Sphinx took some one an a half years to complete. William Shirley died in 1929, leaving an extraordinary legacy to be contemplated by the many bushwalkers who enjoy the Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park. 

Sphinx Memorial to Bobbin Head Loop Track is a quite enjoyable walking track.  The rank of difficulty is grade 4, which requires a certain level of physical strength.   You could pack your lunch and stop in the middle of the track in Bobbin Head    

*A.I.F  – First Australian Imperial Force.  It was the main expeditionary force of Australian Army during World War 1. 

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