/ / / Neck and Shoulder Relaxer, Cervical Traction Device for TMJ Pain Relief and Cervical Spine Alignment Chiropractic Pillow 颈肩放松纠正枕头

Neck and Shoulder Relaxer, Cervical Traction Device for TMJ Pain Relief and Cervical Spine Alignment Chiropractic Pillow 颈肩放松纠正枕头


*Dense and soft foam design provides sturdy, lightweight, and comfortable base. 结实稳固而轻便舒适
*Simple and effective physical solutions to sooth away stiff neck, helps in restoring proper cervical curvature 簡單有效的物理解決方案可緩解頸部僵硬,有助於恢復正常的頸椎曲度
*Can’t be used as an ordinary pillow all night long. 不可在整夜作为枕头用


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