
獨特簡單駐顏術 及 價廉物美的護膚品 —- 來自康美閣的推薦

幫助康美閣的客戶和朋友更健康和美麗是本閣其中兩個宗旨。以下不僅會介紹一些價廉物美的護膚產品,還提供獨特又簡單的方法步驟使你更年輕好看!         步驟1          用韓國出品The Face Shop米水亮白潔面泡沫洗臉,早晚各一次。 该产品含有大米提取物,可通过深层清洁泡沫去除杂质和隐藏的黑头。使用该产品您会感到非常愉快,它具有轻盈舒适的香味。價格 A$14/支(150毫升)。         步驟2         洗完脸后,可使用Thayer无酒精无味爽肤水来平衡你的面部PH值,爽肤水还能让您的脸变得滋润,更好地吸收另一种营养。 这款美国产品采用美国认证的有机金缕梅和芦荟配方制成。在亚马逊網站,  它获得了 31008 個的 4.5 星评价,这是一个高质量的產品。 价格为A$9.99/瓶(355毫升)。 真的很划算! Thayer无酒精无味爽肤水 $9.99 Thayer无酒精无味爽肤水 $9.99        步驟3        在您脸上用完爽肤水后,建議在脸上還要涂抹其他营养面霜。 有两种不同的方法可以在白天和晚上呵護你的脸。        如果在白天,涂抹COSRX 高级蜗牛 96 粘蛋白能量精华($18.40/每100ml),让您的面部一整天保持滋润。 如果您只是青少年或 25 岁以下,您可能会跳过这一步。 但请记得在出门前涂抹防晒霜。 强烈推荐用防晒霜Ethical日用轻质天然锌防晒霜SPF50+(19.99美元/每100毫升)。這款防曬霜不含香精, 适合敏感肌肤。        對于25嵗以上的人士, 在使用以上兩種护肤品的同时,可将Kleem 新款抗衰老眼霜($25.97/瓶 15ml)涂抹在眼睛周围的皮肤上,   因为这部分皮肤比其他部分更娇嫩, 所以我们必须在皱纹出现之前保護它。    COSRX 高级蜗牛 96 粘蛋白能量精华$18.40 Kleem 新款抗衰老眼霜 以上就是让肌肤保持年轻亮丽的简单3个步骤。 对于拥有成熟皮肤的人,还有一件事要提——建议您使用 All Natural Advice 抗衰老维生素C Serum(24.88…

The unique ways from Fortune Forte Studio to keep you young than your age

One of our aims in Fortune Forte is to help people to keep themselves healthy and look young. All of the products we recommend are affordable and effective. We can find you a lot of skincare products which are not expensive at all but also you will get a good result within a short time…

The Ten Best Indoor Sport Equipments For Your Family While Lockdown

The Ten Best Indoor Sport Equipments For Your Family While Lockdown

A lot of people in this world have to stay home now because of the spread of Convid-19. It becomes a constant operation for the governments of many countries. It is critical to keep ourselves and our families physically and mentally healthy. Here are the Ten Indoor Sport Equipments you can consider to obtain at…

Tranexamic Acid – A New Ingredient in SkinCare

Tranexamic Acid – A New Ingredient in SkinCare

Tranexamic acid (TXA for short) becomes a new ingredient in skincare in recent years.   What is Tranexamic Acid?  tranexamic acid was originally used to reduce blood loss in patients experiencing menorrhagia and during open-heart surgery.  In 1979, physicians accidentally began noticing that patients who had been treated with tranexamic acid were seeing visible improvement in…

Good Moisturizing Skin Care Products only Cost You Only $45 !!!

Good Moisturizing Skin Care Products only Cost You Only $45 !!!

When autumn arrived in April, I felt so dry on my facial skin that like something crawling itching on my face. Apparently skincare products currently I was using are not sufficient to cope with the dry climate. So I searched on the Internet for some moisturizing skincare products, I have found a relatively cheap and…



刚入秋季,面部立刻干燥难忍,时常感到像有小东西爬在脸上, 痒痒的又有刺刺的感觉,现用的护肤品看来不足以应付干燥的气候,于是,我在网上搜索些保湿的护肤产品,于是,我找到一款相对便宜,且评价颇高的产品 – 平凡牌玻尿酸加维他命B5(The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid 2 + B5 30ml). 我马上在网上购买,第二天就到了, 当晚抹上,这种玻尿酸呈无色,颇稠,瓶子配有吸管,每次用一到两滴就很足够了。 睡完一觉,摸一下脸部,感觉比平时嫩滑,更重要的是经过一天,脸上皮肤那种因干燥所起的痒痒的,刺刺的感觉完全消失了。太好了! 我的问题终于解决了! 这次,我又发现一个皮肤保湿窍门:用平凡牌玻尿酸加维他命B5跟全自然牌的抗衰老维他命C精华液(All Nature Advice Anti-aging Vitamin C Serum 60ml) 一起用效果很好,很巧这两种护肤品都是加拿大的产品, 而且,这两瓶加起来的价格才A$45, 可以用起码三个月,这个冬天的皮肤保养大可放心了!强力推荐! 对于玻尿酸护肤产品, 很多牌子都卖得很贵, 一瓶30毫升动辄都要近A$100 或超过,而我在这介绍的两种产品价钱只是大牌子的五分之一的价钱,但出来的效果绝不比这些大牌子的差!爱美又精明的你们,你说用哪种吧? 顺便介绍一下生产平凡牌护肤品的公司叫 Deciem, 2013年才建立,总部在加拿大多伦多。这个公司致力于生产价格低但高质量的护肤品,建立直接与消费者交流的渠道,此公司的创立者Brandon Truaxe(已过世)曾说:“护肤品领域充斥着骗子艺术家。” Deciem 的口号是“ 不正常的美容公司” (The Abnormal Beauty Company) 在美容护肤界的确是个异类,从不用大明星作广告,包装就是黑白两种颜色, 价格有时低得惊人,但质量高。本人用过这个牌子很多个产品,效果相当不错! 好了! 看到这里,别忘了订购这两个产品哟!以下有关这两个产品的视频,请关注! 谢谢! 平凡牌玻尿酸及维生素B5 The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid + B5 全自然牌抗衰老维他命C精华液 All…

You don’t need to break your bank to be 10 years younger

You don’t need to break your bank to be 10 years younger

In a lot of people’s minds, the skincare industry is extremely profitable because a bottle of serum specially antiaging products can cost you more than half of the weekly wage. I have been promoting skincare and health products for a few years. Every time I talk to people, mainly women about skincare or antiaging then…